What the eff is stealthing?

7th Nov 2022

No glove, no love. Words we live by in the boudoir. However, not all gents sing this anthem. Cue stealthing. Non- consensual condom removal during intercourse.

Not only is this risky business for all involved, it is actually classified as sexual assault - bringing out the big guns. Basically, this turns a consensual sexual encounter primed with protection into a non-consensual one, a strong violation of informed consent. This poses sexual imperil for both parties. Calling all STIs, STDs, and perhaps a next of kin.

When our helpmate lets us down in this department, this can lead to a violation of trust and integrity, which could have long-term psychological effects. We want you enjoying unadulterated adultery during playtime. So, if it ain’t on, it AIN’t on.
